Wednesday, June 21, 2006


In my last post I mentioned that I going to begin blogging on a bit of my actual life. Well here goes nothing . . .

During my first year of law school, I arrived one evening at a local Columbus bar around 10PM extremely hungry from having not eaten dinner. I'm not sure why I had not eaten yet, but there was probably a good reason and in any event I needed put to something in my stomach in order for the night to progress in a positive way.

Looking at the menu at the bar, there was not much to offer, but one item did catch my eye: the barbeque chicken pizza. I had always been a fan of pizza but for whatever reason had never gotten the chance to partake in this particular chance; I think I might have been scared that trying to mix the idea of pizza with barbeque sauce would somehow turn me off from pizza forever. That night, however, I decided to give bbq chicken pizza a shot, and there was no going back.

The taste was unbelievable: a perfect combination of chicken, cheese, crust, and barbque sauce. It was everything I could ask for and then some. After thouroughly enjoying my first bbq chicken pizza experience, I had a great night out with friends, which cemented the meal's legacy in my mind and stomach forever.

Since then, I have tried the barbeque chicken pizza at other places, though probably not enough. It actually turns out that my first bbq chicken pizza was the worst, relative to the rest of the below rankings. Yes, from here on out I choose to rank my barbeque chicken pizza preferences. You may not come across state tax breaks and incentives too often in your real life (actually you probably do but just don't know it), but there is no way you can avoid going to quality restaurants and seeing this superb item on the menu. And when you do see it, think of me.


1) Spagio, Columbus, OH: almost perfect
2) California Pizza Kitchen, Anytown, U.S.A.: just tried it recently, pretty good, but it's missing something, though I don't know what it is; it is worth noting that CPK (a restaurant chain started by a couple of attorneys) claims to be the originator of the barbeque chicken pizza
3) Bluestone, Evanston, IL: this might actually top the list if it weren't for the extremely thin crust; this crust eventually become a nuisance to the meal
4) B. Hampton's: pretty good for bar food, but otherwise too much cheese

If you have any suggestions of places to try a bbq chicken pizza, please let me know.


At 6:20 AM, June 23, 2006, Blogger Phil said...

B-Mid, where were you in West End Terrace when I used to buy barbecue chicken pizzas all the time?

At 6:48 AM, June 23, 2006, Blogger Brandon said...


I was eating peanut butter at the time. I give credit for introducing me to Steak 'n Shake chili, though.

At 6:34 AM, June 29, 2006, Blogger Phil said...

Delish, indeed.

At 5:09 PM, July 03, 2006, Blogger GeeBee said...

One of the gems of Omaha happens to be Zio's Pizzeria which serves up an extraordinary BBQ chicken pizza. Even though the quality seems to have slipped over the years it is still rather tasty. Not to mentions their very affordable lunch specials seal the deal for those of us on a fixed income.

At 3:06 PM, July 05, 2006, Blogger Brandon said...

I plan on going there the next time I am Omaha.


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