Wednesday, June 14, 2006

John Travolta, Shirley MacClaine, Lindsey Lohan, Jessica Simpson: which one are you kicking out of your hot tub?

As a follow up to a few readers' comments to my 6/6/06 post, it looks like filming will begin soon in Shreveport on a movie version of the television classic, "Dallas"! All thanks in part to tax incentives!

Wait, actually, hold on, we're still waiting on confirmation . . .

If this does actually go through, I'm sure it will be difficult to find much negative coverage of these developments, especially considering what has occurred in Louisiana within the past year.

I will remain skeptical, however. Why are only filmmakers entitled to good tax rates? Are these breaks going to better Louisianans as a whole or just an entitled few? Would the producers not have come to LA without the incentives? Would they have already been in place had there been a better tax regime in the first place? Most importantly, is "Dallas" even going to be a decent movie? After all, we know there is know way Johhny T. can live up to the TV version of J.R. Ewing.


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